DAYAN Eleran

Fertilizer for houseplants

Type of fertilizer: liquid

Packaging volume: 130 cc

Nature: bio-organic


Eleran fertilizer is produced with the aim of improving the growth condition of all types of houseplants such as cactus, bamboo, succulents, ornamental shrubs, and other ornamental houseplants. This fertilizer contains a complete profile of amino acids and promotes plant growth.

Eleran houseplant fertilizer, due to its organic and biological nature, can be effectively utilized in crop cultivation to promote the production of healthy and organic products. This unique fertilizer boasts a complete profile of 21 amino acids, which are naturally synthesized through biological processes. Indoor plants often face unfavorable conditions in terms of light and humidity, which hinder their growth and vitality. The use of chemical fertilizers under such circumstances can lead to excessive root stimulation and development, ultimately necessitating frequent pot changes. Failure to change the pot results in yellowing leaves and, ultimately, the drying up of the plant.


Benefits of Eleran

  • Elran is a completely natural and organic fertilizer that poses no harmful side effects to house plants.
  • You will notice the positive effects of this product on your plant in the short term.
  • It has a low consumption rate but delivers significant benefits to all types of flowers and houseplants.
  • The price of the product is affordable and reasonable.